Unity Camera Image Capture

version license

Capture camera image and save to a specified path.

Demo Gif

Full Documentation

Installation instructions

Unity package manager(Git)

  1. Go to Package Manager window via Window/Package Manager
  2. Click the add img button in the status bar
  3. Select Add package from git URL from the add menu
  4. Fill the git URL with https://github.com/blightue/UnityCameraImageCapture.git and click Add

Unity package manager(Local)

  1. Download and unzip the source code to your disk
  2. Go to Package Manager window via Window/Package Manager
  3. Click the add img button in the status bar
  4. Select Add package from disk from the add menu
  5. Select the package.json file in the unzipped folder

Quick Start

Version 0.5.0 Update:

Recommend use component Capture with config

Create a config asset by click the plus button in the Project window and follow Camera Image Capture/Capturer config




  1. Add component CameraImageCapture to a GameObject via Camera Image Capture/CameraImageCapture

  2. Config CameraImageCapture value in the Inspector.

    • Target Camera : Target camera for capture

    • File Name : The name of captured image file

    • Export folder : The folder for the captured image file.

    • Image serialized : Is the image file name serialized. If set to true, the file name will be [fileName]-0.jpg [fileName]-1.jpg ...

    • Is Log Capture : Is log capture information when image captured

    • Write type :

      • Main Thread: Write the file in main thread. It will block the main thread
      • Async: Write the file asynchronous. Caution use this type in MonoBehavior.Update() function
    • Image format : PNG JPG TGA

    • Is Override Camera Resolution : False to set your own image resolution. Image will follow target camera FOV Axis

  3. Click Capture and save button for capturing


  1. Open Camera Image Capture window via Tools/Camera Image Capture/Capturer

  2. Add and Config CaptureConfig value in the Inspector.

  3. Click Capture and save button for capturing


Static Singleton

using SuiSuiShou.CIC.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        Photographer.IsImageSerial = false;
        Photographer.ImageResolution = new Vector2Int(1920, 1080);


  1. Assign the CameraImageCapture component in your code

  2. Call CameraImageCapture.CaptureAndSaveImage()

  3. CameraImageCapture fields can changed during runtime

    Code Sample

using SuiSuiShou.CIC.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour
    public CameraImageCapture cic;

    private void Start()
        cic.FileName = "Sample";
        cic.ImageResolution = new Vector2Int(1920, 1080);