UIEEx(UIElement Extension) is an extension library of Unity UI Elements package. UIEEx improve the workflow of creating editor & runtime UI with UI Elements.
Getting Started
Installation instructions
Unity package manager(Git)
- Go to Package Manager window via
Window/Package Manager
- Click the add button in the status bar
- Select Add package from git URL from the add menu
- Fill the git URL with https://github.com/blightue/UIEEx.git and click Add
Unity package manager(Local)
- Download and unzip the source code to your disk
- Go to Package Manager window via
Window/Package Manager
- Click the add button in the status bar
- Select Add package from disk from the add menu
- Select the package.json file in the unzipped folder
Quick Start
Elements Factory
UIELayout.[ElementName]([Element Constructor Parameters], [Parent Element(Optional Arguments)])
to create visual elements. If parent parameter is specified, the element will be added to its parent element automatically.Sample:
// Label Element Constructor: // Label label = new Label("Content"); Label label = UIELayout.Label("Content", rootVisualElement);
for elements which inUnityEngine.UIElements
for elements which inUnityEditor.UIElements
Method chaining
UIEEx provide method chaining for elements, you can use
to set element property.Check all supported properties in ElementExtension api documentation.
Button button = UIELayout.Button(rootVisualElement) .SetBindingPath("m_ButtonName") .SetBindObject(serializedObject);
EditorWindow Sample
public class UIEExSample : EditorWindow { [SerializeField] private int clickedCount = 0; [MenuItem("Tools/UIEEx Sample")] private static void ShowWindow() { var window = GetWindow<UIEExSample>(); window.Show(); } private void CreateGUI() { Label label = UIELayout.Label("Click the btn below", rootVisualElement); Button btn = UIELayout.Button (() => { clickedCount += 1; label.SetText("Button clicked " + clickedCount + " times"); }, rootVisualElement) .SetText("Click me"); } }
Custom Editor Sample
[CustomEditor(typeof(TestClass))] public class TestClassEditor : UnityEditor.Editor { private TestClass _target; public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() { VisualElement root = new VisualElement (); TextField inputField = UIELayout. TextField("My Text", root) .SetBindingPath(nameof(_target. m_Text)); IntegerField countField = EditorUIELayout.IntegerField("My Count", 100, root) .SetBindingPath(nameof(_target. m_Count)); return root; } }